Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Water!

Today I woke up to Londyn crying in her crib. So I got out of bed, went and got her and took her in my room to change her diaper, where i left her with Eric so i could make her a bottle. Well, when i got to the sink and turned the faucet on ........NO WATER!!!! Oh my goodness! I thought I was going to have a panic attack. How was I supposed to make a bottle with no water?! So I was looking all around for the billing statement for the utility company. I was positive that we had paid the water bill, so I was really confused as to why the water had been shut off. 
Eric had some bottled water that he brought in, which i was extremely grateful for! So I was able to feed Loee and get her happy.
Then over the next several hours I searched for the phone number to the utility co. and I called my landlord, and explained what was going on. So when I was in the kitchen making another bottle for Loee, there was a loud banging and bubbling noise coming from the pipes. So just to try my luck i walked over to the sink and flipped up the handle ........WATER!!!! I was so relieved! I could finally use the bathroom!! 
I don't think that it had anything to do with the utilities, but there was deff. something wrong with the pipes. not sure what, but something. In the end im grateful for water!!

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